Archives: Priorities

Byggmeister Priorities


The capacity of a home to meet the current and future lifestyle needs of its occupants with ease is a top priority of every home renovation. Many people embark on a renovation focused on their immediate needs. Perhaps a baby is on the way and there’s a need for casual living and play space. Perhaps a… Read more »


We measure the service life of our work not in months or years, but in decades and centuries. This is why we make sure that what we build is built to last. Buying a home is often the single largest financial investment that people make. Yet, maintenance, repair and renovation costs over the life of… Read more »


Beauty and style should never be an afterthought in a renovation. Throughout the planning process, we pay very close attention to the character of the home as well as our clients’ aesthetic and aim to create a design that remains true to both. When it comes to execution, we match the thoughtfulness of the design… Read more »


Energy-efficient, low-carbon homes aren’t just better for the earth, they are also better prepared to meet the challenges of the 21st century. We can no longer afford to be profligate about our use of finite natural resources especially fossil fuels. We have a moral obligation to future generations to do everything we can to reduce… Read more »


Too many people are uncomfortable in their homes. Some are afraid to air seal and insulate for fear that their homes will no longer “be able to breathe.” We can’t tell you how many clients are relieved when we disabuse them of this myth and reassure them that they don’t need to sacrifice efficiency for… Read more »