Category: Our Team

Byggmeister’s 2024 Charitable Giving: Supporting Mission-Aligned Organizations That Make a Difference

Harvard Square Homeless Shelter build

by Rachel White When Byggmeister transitioned to worker-ownership, we committed to donate 5-10% of our annual net profit to organizations that focus on climate change, affordable housing, workforce development in design and construction, and justice and equity. A charitable giving  committee selects recipients from proposals submitted by employees. In 2024, we donated a total of… Read more »

Bringing Your Renovation To Life

by Rachel White Designing a renovation is a collaborative process at Byggmeister. Between the time we first visit a house and sign a construction contract, several members of our planning group will have had a hand in developing the project. For more than a decade Karin Mahdavi has been a key member of this team. An… Read more »

The Best Little Internship in Massachusetts

a conversation about internships by Paul Eldrenkamp The Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (Mass CEC) is a ratepayer-funded public agency charged with promoting the clean energy sector in Massachusetts. One of its objectives is to promote “workforce training in clean energy technology at the commonwealth’s public institutions of higher education.” To that end, it has created an invaluable internship program for... Read more »